Elise Charbonnet Angelette

A little about “Buna” (known to most people as Elise)

Crazy wigs, sparkly tutu's, disco balls dangling from rear view mirrors.... Elise lived life in technicolor.   She had a rare combination of easy charm and striking beauty that made her an instant friend to anyone who had the joy of meeting her. She was just plain easy to love!

The girl was born to be on a stage.  She quite literally grew up in a theater as her mother led the drama program for 30 years at Saint Paul's High School.  Elise choreographed and designed costumes for decades of her mother's high school musicals. She also was a beloved elementary school teacher who loved planning lively lessons for her class.

And yet, underneath the glitter and the elaborate story-telling, there was great depth.  Christ was her all-in-all.  She was passionate about her Catholic faith, working retreats and sharing her faith in many ministry settings.  She listened with compassion and had a heart for anyone suffering.

In 2002, she married the love of her life, Jason, and began the role she most cherished: wife and mother. Together, their love and faith flowed over into their ministry to Catholic couples through Willwoods Faith and Marriage Apostolate.  Then came children... Bella, Sophia, Jude, Naomi and Nora.   Shortly after the last baby was born came the diagnosis: breast cancer, stage 4.

Buna's Hope

While battling cancer, Elise and Jason found that making frequent efforts to laugh, play and pray together as a family were just as important to her recovery as the chemotherapy she was receiving. Family fun became a simple way for their 5 kids to relieve stress, but more than that, it was a way for Jason and Elise to teach their children that – even in the midst of suffering – life was inherently good and that no matter what happened, God loves them and is in control … so it’s okay to relax and play! Hence the tagline, “Every little thing is gonna be alright.”

Jason and Elise were overwhelmed with the support and love that came pouring out of the community. They decided during a period of remission to “pay it forward” and began to organize efforts to bless other families.  It only made sense to share with others what had helped them: opportunities to spend time enjoying and focusing on each other.

Their efforts to help others began simply with care packages sent to families in need because of some kind of trauma or tragedy. Inside the boxes were board games, family movies, bags of popcorn, prayer journals, and some silly items like wigs or crazy glasses to get the fun rolling. Hundreds of boxes were sent out to families nominated by others. Larger donations allowed them to give away trips to provide a joy-filled, peaceful break away from the present challenge.

When Elise’s cancer returned, the project became a way for her to “fight back” against the pain by helping to relieve the pain of others. Dozens of families joined the effort and gathered for “packing days” to assemble the boxes, complete with a handwritten note of encouragement.

Buna's Hope Moving Forward

After Elise's passing in 2020, friends have taken up the mantle of “Buna's Hope”.  The needs are still great. There are still families in crises and we believe there are still simple ways to relieve the suffering and provide hope. You know families who are facing trials; here is a simple way to provide light in the darkness.  We believe Buna's Hope answers the question, “But is there anything I can do that would really help?”  YES! We believe that simple actions can provide big relief, that small stones dropped in a pond produce ripples that can make a real impact!  Every little thing, no matter the size, when done in love, produces BIG fruit.  Buna’s Hope is a way for families to help other families in simple, joyful ways, just like Elise and Jason did.

Our values:

Families are important.

Helping doesn't have to be complicated.

Little things can make a big difference.

Just because we can't fix everything doesn't mean we can't do anything.

“And these three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.”

We want to put love into action in order to bring about more faith and hope!